Aims and Scope

Studia Ethnologica Pragensia (SEP) is peer-reviewed scholarly journal focusing on ethnological and anthropological discourse with emphasis on fields of sociocultural anthropology, European ethnology and comparative folkloristics. Within this scope it welcomes contributions from these disciplinary fields as well as those using interdisciplinary approaches reaching across other ethnological and anthropological disciplines and related fields. We encourage diversity both in theoretical and empirical approaches that moves ethnological and anthropological research beyond current knowledge.

SEP is published twice per year by the Faculty of Arts, Charles University since 2010 and follows longstanding tradition of the Studia Ethnographica/Ethnologica series, published by the Charles University since 1972.  The journal is managed by Editor-in-Chief, Managing Editor, Associate Editors and Editorial Board.

SEP content include these peer reviewed sections: Studies, Review Essays, Materials; and other sections: Reports, Reviews, Interviews. All the texts in peer reviewed sections undergo double blind review by two independent scholars (see Peer review process). The journal accepts texts in English, German, French, Polish, Slovak, and Czech languages.

Since 2015 SEP is an Open Access journal with online content freely available to the readers under the CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 license. Full articles are available on the Internet to all readers immediately upon publication and their further non-commercial use and distribution in any medium is permitted, provided the author and the journal are properly credited.

No fees are charged for the manuscript submission, processing, and publication.

ISSN 1803-9812 (Print, untill 2019)
ISSN 2336-6699 (Online)

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