2023 (2)

Issued: 12 / 2023
Publisher: Univerzita Karlova, Filozofická fakulta
ISSN: 2336-6699
104 pages
Ethnolinguistic Revitalization: Theory and Practical Application
Leoš Šatava, p. 9-26
Neo-nationalism as a reaction to globalisation and superstate
Petr Skalník, p. 27-38
Vladimir Putin’s views on the Russian nation and Russian history as the reason for the aggression against Ukraine
Vadim Sidorov, p. 39-60
Odpověď I. Hancockovi (kritika textu I. Hancocka „The East European Roots of Romani Nationalism“)
Jiří Lípa, p. 61-65
Lemkos, a Group Whose Unity Eludes Even the Radiance of the Watra
Richard Keračík, p. 66-73
Petr Janeček. Spring Man: A Belief Legend between Folklore and Popular Culture. Studies in Folklore and Ethnology: Traditions, Practices, and  dentities. Lexington Books, 2022
Adéla Adámková, p. 77-79
Etnická identita a studium hranic sociálního celku Фредрик Барт (ед.). Этнические группы и социальные границы. Социальная организация культурных различий. Москва: Новое издательство, 2006
Irina Aleksandrovna Denisova, p. 80-83
Thomas Hylland Eriksen and Marek Jakoubek, eds. Ethnic Groups and Boundaries Today: A Legacy of Fifty Years. London: Routledge, 2019
Ondřej Hejnal, p. 84-89
Barth, Fredrik (ed.) Ethnic Groups and Boundaries. The Social Organization of Culture Difference. Bergen, Oslo: Universitetsforlaget; London: George Allen & Unwin, 1969
Ludger Müller-Wille, p. 90-91
Beyer, Rahel — Plevnia, Albrecht (eds.). Handbuch der Sprachminderheiten in Deutschland. Tübingen 2020: Narr Francke Attempto Verlag
Leoš Šatava, p. 92-94
Ethnicity and Nationalism in Anthropology: Past, Present, and Future Perspectives Interview with Prof.  Thomas Hylland Eriksen (University of Oslo)
Richard Keračík, p. 97-104
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